What is Regenerative Braking?

How Electric Vehicles Have Revolutionized Braking Systems

The electric vehicle is adding years to earth’s life, one environmentally-conscious vehicle at a time. Just by using electricity as its alternate fueling source, we are minimizing our collective carbon footprint. But wait, there’s more! Engineers have also found a way to conserve and reuse the kinetic energy that’s normally lost to the environment during road travel. Below, learn how the electric vehicle’s regenerative braking system works.

Saving the Kinetic Energy

Like any other vehicle, electric vehicles create a good amount of kinetic energy while in motion. The energy is lost when you press the brake and the car slows and stops. Traditional vehicles will convert that kinetic energy into heat and lose it to the environment. Regenerative brakes, though, are able to retain that “lost” energy and direct it to the vehicle’s battery, where it can be stored for use later. This extends the vehicle’s range.

Any vehicle would be most efficient with its energy usage by never braking. Of course, that isn’t possible–you are going to have to stop eventually! Engineers did not just stop after finding a safer fueling source for the environment; they also recognized that electricity needed to be practical. It would not be an effective alternative if vehicles were constantly losing power. Regenerative brakes help increase vehicle range by using energy that would normally be wasted.

Why Regenerative Brakes Are Effective

Your regenerative braking system will help your electric vehicle operate more efficiently and extend its range. The kinetic energy generated, wasted, and reused will be different for each vehicle. There are factors like vehicle size, travel terrain, and driving conditions that will determine just how efficient an electric vehicle’s regenerative brakes will be.

Regenerative Brake Maintenance

The traditional vehicle’s braking system is solely friction-based, so it is common for the brake pads to be worn down much sooner than they would in an electric vehicle. It’s not uncommon for an electric vehicle to drive for 100,000 miles with its original brake pads or braking system parts. Regenerative brakes do handle the majority of the braking force, but owners still need to routinely inspect regenerative brakes. They are still susceptible to wear-and-tear and corrosion from water damage. Visit us at Coopers Auto Repair Specialists in Pullayup, WA, for all of your regenerative braking maintenance needs.

Written by Coopers Auto Repair Specialists

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